
Writer's Workshop

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Writing Workshop

Write an autobiographical narrative gles: 15b; 16b; 17c; 17d; 18a; 18b; 19; 20b

  • Establish a controlling impression gles: 15b; 15c; 15d; 16b; 16d; 17d; 18b; 19; 20b
  • Use precise language gles: 16b; 17a; 18e; 20b
  • Proofread, especially for misplaced modifiers gles: 16b; 18f


 Write a short story. Develop plot, characters, point of view, setting, and theme. gles: 16b; 17c; 18b; 19; 20a

  • Use sensory details gles: 16b; 17c; 18b; 19; 20a
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 17b; 18e; 20c
  • Proofread, especially for the correct use of quotation marks with dialogue gles: 16b; 18f; 41


Write an expository essay analyzing a biography gles: 9f; 16b; 18a; 18b; 19

  • Write and support a thesis statement gles: 15b; 16a; 16b; 17c; 18b; 19; 42a
  • Revise for content and style gles: 15e; 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, especially for correct subject-verb agreement gles: 16b; 18f; 23a; 25; 41


Write an essay comparing and contrasting the ways in which different news media cover the same event gles: 16b; 18a; 18b; 19; 34a; 34b; 37c; 39b

  • Establish a thesis. Organize the essay by block method or the point-by-point method. gles: 16a; 16b; 17b; 18b; 19; 34a; 34b
  • Revise for content and style gles: 15c; 16b; 16d; 18e
  • Proofread to correct grammar, usage, and mechanics errors. Publish and reflect on the essay. gles: 16b; 18f; 41


Write a persuasive essay gles: 16a; 16b; 18a; 18b; 19

  • Identify purpose and audience. Use logical, emotional, and ethical appeals. gles: 12a
  • Identify purpose and audience. Use logical, emotional, and ethical appeals. gles: 12a; 16b; 18b; 19
  • Provide relevant evidence.  Organize the evidence. gles: 12a; 16b; 18b; 19
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, design, and publish the essay. gles: 16b; 18f; 23f; 25; 41


Write a descriptive essay gles: 16b; 17b; 17c; 18a; 18b; 19

  • Use sensory, factual, and figurative details gles: 16b; 17a; 18b; 19; 20b
  • Organize details around a controlling impression. gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 20b
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 18e


Write an analysis of a poem. Establish a thesis statement. gles: 9c; 16a; 16b; 17c; 18b; 19; 21d

  • Support ideas with references to the poem.  Arrange ideas in their order of importance. gles: 9c; 16b; 18b; 19; 21d
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 17b; 18e; 24b
  • Proofread, especially for correct punctuation of quotations.  Publish and reflect on the essay. gles: 16b; 18f; 24b; 41


Write an analysis of a short story gles: 9e; 16b; 18a; 18b; 19; 21d

  • Establish a thesis statement gles: 9e; 16b; 18b; 19; 21d
  • Support the thesis statement.  Arrange ideas logically and effectively. gles: 9e; 16b; 18b
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, especially for clear pronoun reference. gles: 16b; 18f; 23c


Write a research paper gles: 16b; 18a; 18b; 19

  • Develop a research question.  Consider your purpose and audience. gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 39a
  • Interview experts.  Evaluate sources gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 28b; 29a; 32b; 32d; 37a; 37b; 37c; 38; 39b
  • Use appropriate documentation for sources gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 40a; 40b
  • Take notes.  Develop main ideas gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 40a; 40b
  • Establish a coherent thesis statement gles: 16a; 16b; 17b; 17d; 18b; 19; 39c; 40a
  • Create an outline gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 39c; 40a
  • Use appropriate documentation for sources gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 40a; 40d; 42a
  • Use appropriate documentation for sources gles: 16b; 18b; 19; 40d; 42a; 42b
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, especially to correct run-on sentences gles: 16b; 18f; 18g; 22b; 25; 40c; 41
  • Present a research report gles: 27; 28a; 31c
  • Organize the speech.  Use visual aids. gles: 28a; 31c; 41


Write a persuasive cause-and-effect essay.  Consider purpose, audience and tone. gles: 16b; 17c; 18a; 18b; 19

  • Structure ideas and arguments in a logical fashion.  Use supporting evidence. gles: 16b; 17a; 18b; 19
  • Establish your opinion statement gles: 16b; 17b; 17d; 18b; 19
  • Revise for content and style gles: 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, especially to correct dangling modifiers gles: 16b; 18f


Write an essay comparing a scene from a play with its film adaptation. gles: 4e; 9d; 16b; 18a; 18b; 19; 21d

  • Establish a thesis statement. Organize the essay. gles: 4e; 9d; 16a; 16b; 17c; 18b; 19; 21d
  • Revise for content and style gles: 4e; 16b; 18e
  • Proofread, especially for correct use of serial commas gles: 4e; 16b; 18f; 35a; 35b; 35c





We will use the Writing with Writers program to improve writing skills in any or all of the above mentioned genres. Students will read examples, brainstorm, work in groups, write, edit, and rewrite their work before submitting it for online publication



Students will:

  1. Identify unique characteristics of different writing genres
  2. Follow the writing process for different genres to create original writing
  3. Use web technology to post original writing online
  4. Demonstrate understanding of different genres by responding to questions
  5. Understand how to review and revise their own writing
  6. Review and present constructive criticism to peer writing
  7. Learn to think critically and objectively about their reading
  8. Learn to review and revise their own writing
  9. Produce written work to show evidence of knowledge of the different genres




Writing with Writers Activities


5Ws Graphic Organize

Observation Chart



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