diamond underground railroad !!

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On the Plantation: Life as Slave


To start, listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn more about life on a Southern plantation, read “Growing Up in Slavery” to meet Fannie Moore and after you’ve explored these resources ,answer these questions.

1. What did it mean to be a slave?it meant that you was owned by someone else,and that you must do what ever they want What were some of the basic rights that slaves did not have? they couldn't do what they wanted, they couldn't learn,they had to work all day, and they barely got food or water.

2. Why did people own slaves in the United States in the 1800s?so they could make money, and not have to pay people for their work.

3. When did slavery begin in the United States?slavery started during the American war of independence in the 1783-1850  Where did the first slaves come from?the first slaves came from Africa in the 1600.

4. Describe the life of a slave on a Southern plantation. Where did slaves live?slaves lived in a small little cabbins with bunc h of other slaves with no beds What kinds of work did they do?they farmed, sewed and cooked How were they punished? they were whiped if they broke any rules, chained so they wont run away,

5. What do you think were some of the hardest things about being a slave? i think the hardest part about being a slave is workin day and night till they tell you to


Escape! The Underground Railroad 

Listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn more about how slaves made their escapes and found their way. After you’ve explored these resources, answer these questions.

1. Why did some enslaved African Americans try to escape from their owners?because they heard in Canada that they could be free. Why was this such a dangerous act? Beacause if they got caught being a run away slave the could get beaten.

2. How did most slaves travel when they escaped?on foot.  How did they find their way?they looked at the big dipper and little dipper because it told them where the north star.

3. What were some of the worst dangers and challenges that runaway slaves faced?climbing mountains 

4. How did runaways try to avoid getting caught?they crosses rivers so the dogs couldnt smell their sent. What happened if they were caught?they would get beaten bad.

5. What was the Underground Railroad?a place to get run away slaves to safty Who were the “passengers” and the “conductors”? Harret Tubment

6. Why did the Underground Railroad have to be so secretive? Because it was ran by runaway slaves.What are some ways that people on the Underground Railroad kept their work – and runaway slaves – hidden?they made shur that they didnt tell any ine about them and they look for them during the night t make shur they didnt get caught.




Reaching Safety: Heroes for the Cause


To start, listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn how some abolitionists helped fugitives reach freedom. Try the “Harriet Tubman Web Quest,” to learn about the life of this brave woman who risked her life to guide hundreds of enslaved African Americans to freedom.

1. Were runaway slaves free once they reached the Northern states?no because some people were scared of the concuqunses they would get for hidding a run away slave. Explain your answer.

2. Who were the abolitionists?the people who helped find run away slaves. How did they spread their message?they put it in the news paper

3. What are some ways that abolitionists helped runaways on the Underground Railroad? they snuck them from there slaves at night.

4. Did all abolitionists support the Underground Railroad?no Why or why not?some belived that all slaves that were owned should be returned, they didnt belive in black freedom

5. Why was it so dangerous for people to help runaway slaves?because the would give a conciqunce to somone who hid a run away slave.

6. Who was Harriet Tubman? she ran the underground railroad.How do you think she and the Northern abolitionists helped each other’s cause?because they thought everyone shold be free.


Almost Free: Life in the North

Have you explored all the resources in “Almost Free: Life in the North”? To start, listen to the

story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to discover what life was like for fugitives in the North.  See “Compare Two Worlds: The North vs. South,” for interactive maps that identify important differences between the North and South before the Civil War. After you’ve explored these resources, answer these questions.

1. What are some of the different places that slaves settled in the North? they settled in barns and little houses.Why did many runaways go to Canada?so they wouldnt have to be slaves

2. What were some of the challenges the newcomers faced as they started their new lives?some people were racesis and didnt want blacks working with whites.

3. What were three major differences between the North and the South before the Civil War?most black people lived in the north.

4. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?a document a law that passed to free the slave, What impact did it have? the slave owners had to let all the blacks go

5. Why did so many African Americans fight in the Civil War on the side of the Union?so that the blacks and the white could go to school together, work together,...ect...

6. What was one important outcome of the Civil War?that the blacks were free , and they had no more slaves !!