Rogelio Underground Railroad

Begin Your Webquest Here


On the Plantation: Life as Slave


To start, listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn more about life on a Southern plantation, read “Growing Up in Slavery” to meet Fannie Moore and after you’ve explored these resources ,answer these questions.

1. What did it mean to be a slave? What were some of the basic rights that slaves did not have?

2. Why did people own slaves in the United States in the 1800s?

3. When did slavery begin in the United States? Where did the first slaves come from?

4. Describe the life of a slave on a Southern plantation. Where did slaves live? What kinds of work did they do? How were they punished?

5. What do you think were some of the hardest things about being a slave?


Escape! The Underground Railroad 

Listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn more about how slaves made their escapes and found their way. After you’ve explored these resources, answer these questions.

1. Why did some enslaved African Americans try to escape from their owners? Why was this such a dangerous act?

2. How did most slaves travel when they escaped? How did they find their way?

3. What were some of the worst dangers and challenges that runaway slaves faced?

4. How did runaways try to avoid getting caught? What happened if they were caught?

5. What was the Underground Railroad? Who were the “passengers” and the “conductors”?

6. Why did the Underground Railroad have to be so secretive? What are some ways that people on the Underground Railroad kept their work – and runaway slaves – hidden?




Reaching Safety: Heroes for the Cause


To start, listen to the story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to learn how some abolitionists helped fugitives reach freedom. Try the “Harriet Tubman Web Quest,” to learn about the life of this brave woman who risked her life to guide hundreds of enslaved African Americans to freedom.

1. Were runaway slaves free once they reached the Northern states? Explain your answer.

2. Who were the abolitionists? How did they spread their message?

3. What are some ways that abolitionists helped runaways on the Underground Railroad?

4. Did all abolitionists support the Underground Railroad? Why or why not?

5. Why was it so dangerous for people to help runaway slaves?

6. Who was Harriet Tubman? How do you think she and the Northern abolitionists helped each other’s cause?


Almost Free: Life in the North

Have you explored all the resources in “Almost Free: Life in the North”? To start, listen to the

story of the runaway slave, then click around the scene to discover what life was like for fugitives in the North.  See “Compare Two Worlds: The North vs. South,” for interactive maps that identify important differences between the North and South before the Civil War. After you’ve explored these resources, answer these questions.

1. What are some of the different places that slaves settled in the North? Why did many runaways go to Canada?

2. What were some of the challenges the newcomers faced as they started their new lives?

3. What were three major differences between the North and the South before the Civil War?

4. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? What impact did it have?

5. Why did so many African Americans fight in the Civil War on the side of the Union?

6. What was one important outcome of the Civil War?



Alejandra Underground rail road

Anderson underground railroad 

Ariel's Underground railroad

ayla undergroundrailroad 

Carl Underground Railroad 

coreion underground railroad 

David underground railroad

Davon Underground Railroad

Destiny Underground Railroad 

devante underground railroad 

dexter underground railroad 

Eva Underground Railroad 

gloria underground railroad 

hailey underground railroad 

janai underground railroad

jon undergroud railroad

 Klark Underground Raiload 

lanicha underground railroad

malik underground railroad 

Micheal undergroud railroad 

mikeisha underground railroad 

Myranda Underground Railroad

Nytina Underground Railroad 

perla underground railroad 

Ryan Underground Railroad 

Tasherra Underground Railroad 

Timon Underground Railroad 

Timothy underground railroad 

Vincent Underground Railroad


LaSheika Underground Railroad 

Karenesha Underground Railroad 

william underground railroad 

Ernisha Underground Railroad 

Sheldon Underground railroad 

daniel underground railroad 

Duong Underground Railroad 

Osjawan Underground Railroad 

Gerald Underground Railroad 

Stephanie Underground Railroad 

victor underground railroad 

Courtney Underground Railroad 

Jaymalisa Underground Railroad 

maria underground railroad

Lionisha Underground Railroad

Austen Underground Railroad

anthony underground railroad

Keith Underground Railroad

Germaine Underground Railroad

Boderrick Underground Railroad

James Underground Railroad

Austin Underground Railroad

Jolia Underground Railroad

Brandon Underground Railroad

Cherie Underground Railroad



Dante Underground Railroad

Heidi Underground Railroad


Jorge Underground railroad


Christine Underground Railroad 

Devin underground Railroad

Tory underground railroads

kerry underground rail road

Amos Underground Railroad

diamond underground railroad !!


maryam underground railroad

jimmy underground railroad

milton underground rail road

