
Warning Shots p. 6

The attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has reignited the long debate over guns in America.



  1. Why is such an amendment important in the nation's earliest years? Because new US had to defend itself against the British.
  2. How has the Supreme Court interpreted that language in recent decisions? individuals Can Carry Guns Too

  • Do you think there should be any restrictions on an individual's right to own and carry guns today? If so, what kind?


    1. Gun-control advocates say that Arizona's gun laws are too permissive. 
    2. What do you think? I Think That Arizona's Gun Laws Are Just Right
    3. Should people be able to carry concealed weapons into restaurants and bars? Yes Becuase You Dont Know What Can Happen
    4. On college campuses? Why or why not? Yes,Same Reason.. You Dont Know What Can Happen
    5. Why do you think more teens than adults support gun-control laws?Because Teens Go Through Alot In Their Teenage Years.
    6. What, if anything, do you think could have prevented the Tucson shootings?
    7. How do you think gun-control supporters and opponents would answer this questions?
    8. When describing her bill to ban large-volume gun magazines, Congresswomen Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat of New York, said, "This is not a gun-control bill. I like to use the word 'gun-safety bills.'"  What point do you think she was trying to make? Do you agree?



    Take a stand: Should the U.S. ban the sale of gun magazines that contain more than 10 rounds of ammunition.



    WRITING PROMPT (Use this wikipage as the rough draft for your essay.  Your final draft will go on your blog. 2nd pd3rd pd. 4th pd)

    Does the U.S. need tighter gun-control restrictions? Why or why not?

    Draft an essay for a blog post that would persuade fellow citizens to agree with you. Support your arguments with facts and examples.  Use the chart below to help you compile useful facts for your response.



    What happened to Congresswoman Giffords?
    Congresswoman Giffords Was Shot In The Head Last Month 
    What type of magazine clips were banned? and why?
    How many people own handguns?
    What happened at Fort Hood?  
    What percentage of high school students are in favor of stricter gun sale laws?
    What percentage of Americans are in favor of stricter gun sale laws?
    Which states do not require a permit to carry a concealed weapon?  
    What is the number of people who have died in U.S. from gun violence since 2007?
    What happened at Virginia Tech?  
    What does the 1994 Brady law require?  


    Put your rough draft here.


    (Use this wikipage as the rough draft for your essay.  Your final draft will go on your blog. 2nd pd3rd pd. 4th pd)

    Does the U.S. need tighter gun-control restrictions? Why or why not?




         The U.S Dose Need Tighter Gun-Control Restrictions Because, The People In This World Today Are Dum Enough To Hurt The Ones Around Them. No Person Under The Age Of 18 Should Have A Gun In My Opinion. Okay Sure If You Live In The House By Yourself, You Dont Know What Can Happen. As Long As You Have Papers Showing You Own The Gun,Nothing Is Aginst You Because Its Self-Defence