Larriona Great Discovery

To begin with the end in mind, you must know where you want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to achieve in life. 




Refer to pages 86-89 to complete your Great Discovery.  Answer the questions in a complete sentence on the right side of this table. 



A person who made a a positive difference in my life isIS MY MOTHER


The qualities that they have that I would like to develop are that she was a very kind person


In 20 years I will be surrounded by the most imporant people in my life my family


I will be i will be happy and successful 

  If a steel beem were place across two skycrapers I would be will to cross for my family I would be will to do any thing for them
  If i could spend one day in a great library I would study the brain so I would understand more about the human brain 

10 things i love to do are

1. singind

2. daydreaming

3. talking to myselfe

4.reading books

5.looking at walls

6.taliking on the phone




10.playuing in the rain



  A time I was deeply inspired was the time I tolod myself that i was going to read all the twilight books in 3 weeks 
  In five years i woulkd want them to say that im a successful person married and having a happy life with my family 
Something that represents me Innocent by Taylor Swift It represent me because that is how i see things  
If iIcould spend a hour with any person that ever lived it would my my mama I would choose her because I miss her there is nothin i would really ask her I would just want to see her. 
  my talents are music and i like to sing and predicting what will happen ,listening